Color Changing Knives DIY decova, 3 January 2016 After years of unsuccessful searching for proper knives sets and not finding them, I decided to go for myself and make them up. Here is the procedure, which will give you some nice knives and sets in any color combination you might want. First of all, I use some of the cheap imitation knives from China. They are basically ripp-offs of the classic Enardoe knives, but they work well here, because they are very cheaply made and you can easily remove the handles, spray paint them and glue them back to the knife. You could get them here. After having separate all the parts (which is quite easy because of the cheap glue and sloppy workmanship they use) everything is cleaned from the glue. Then I spray painted the parts in the colors I wanted. Disassembled knives—here you can clearly see the cheap glue and sloppy workmanship. The first coat is plain white, so that the other colors show up better later. Much better! 🙂 Last step is to assemble them back again in the desired color combinations (using proper glue this time). Ready for all the fancy and exotic knife routines! Who said copies are bad? They only give you extra work and trouble re-building them into the proper thing … agenda-en
Misdirection References 20 January 2017 In the past years I observed that quite a lot of magicians were searching for reference material on misdirection. Here I offer a collection of book sources. The books listed below have helped me most and shaped my thinking about misdirection. These books should get you a good start. Sam… Read More
Tribute To Lennart Green 12 June 2017 When Lennart Green put out his commercial routine called ‘Stolen Cards’, it proved to be an immediate hit in the card magic world. Like many, I immediately bought a set. Without his invention and routine, this humble offering wouldn’t exist. The trick is a very strong one and fairly easy… Read More
La Piratería en la Magia 3 March 2016 Este proyecto nació desde el enfado y la desesperación sobre lo que está ocurriendo en el mercado de la magia. ¡Ayuda a parar esto! Echa un vistazo a lo que Tim Ellis ya está haciendo de hecho. Creo que no somos los únicos que pensamos así. Pensamos que los honestos… Read More