A Transposition Concept decova, 1 January 2016 Here is how I make a simple card transposition stronger and more memorable. The main thing is the glass bit. By turning the glass (thus indicating the transposition), everything is much clearer and impressive for the ordinary spectator, who is distracted by food, whine and the women at the dinner table … P.S.: This used to be my opener for many years in my table-hopping times. When you do it with a glass from the dinner table, be sure to use an empty one! And yes, I always had a duplicate card in my deck—it made things sooo much easier. http://solidmagic.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/10_transposition.mp4 agenda-en
The Cardpool Convention 19 January 2016 I am pondering all the time whether or not to attend this year’s Blackpool convention. I love the Wintergarden’s, the magicians and I love the Ruskins. I love meeting pals, strolling through the dealer’s hall, watching lectures and all this. And the pints, of course … BUT—what really frightens (and… Read More
The Erdnase Bible 3 January 2017 Recently I found something interesting. The Conjuring Arts Center sells some tiny TEATCT editions, which look like miniature bibles. Great. The main idea is two-fold. Many times I was asked by the spectators, how I learned all those tricks. Now, by having this little book with me, the answer is… Read More
Seminare sind Popcorn für die Seele! 7 March 2016 Gedanken von Robert Stacher Seminare, Workshops, Super Practice Sessions – sie sind das Zaubersalz in unserer Suppe. Wo sonst würden wir alte Bekannte und Freunde treffen und über unser eigenes Repertoire plaudern können? Wofür würden wir sonst unser Geld ausgeben, wenn nicht für Requisiten und Hilfsmittel, die kurze Zeit später in… Read More