Idiot’s Key Card decova, 3 February 2017 The idiot is me, by the way. Because I repeatedly forget in Vernon’s great trick ‘Emotional Reaction’ with the key card (see Inner Secrets of Card Magic), whether the card on the left or the card on the right is the spectator’s chosen card. I simplified the thing already by using a double-backed card as the key card (because I tend to forget the key cards as well). See the article here. Maybe you like the addition. I marked the double-backer on both sides. In this case, I used the bone cards and shaped the bones so they point to the right (on both sides of the card). But, of course, you can think of a proper marking for any back. That way, when I fan the cards, I see the double-backer (= key card) and I see which card is the spectator’s, because the marking is pointing out to me which one of the two it is. I know, this seems stupid, but then I am stupid sometimes, especially when doing that key card stuff. If you are not as stupid as me and can remember and spot things in performance, then you can perform without that double-backer and do it with a borrowed deck of cards … Pass it on! agenda-en
John Carey’s Beginnings 28 December 2015 What a nice, humble and (above all) solid way John Carey got started in magic (taken from his running week at the Magic Cafe Forum). Worth a read and consideration: It all began for me as a kid of 9 stuck in a hospital bed. Mum and Dad bought me… Read More
Thank You, David Roth! 5 February 2017 I am reflecting on the magnificent magicians and people who brought all that joy to my life. Without them, I wouldn’t be what I am. Particularly, I would like to express my sincerest thanks to Mr. David Roth. When I was a youngster, his coin work shaped me. Now I… Read More
Bashing Al Schneider 1 January 2016 In the past weeks I worked hard getting through Al Schneider’s monumental ‘The Theory and Practice of Magic Deception’. Amazing work, quite a lot to swallow. Heavy stuff. Then, some guys pointed out to me that Schneider is a ‘low-key’ performer, lacking esprit and pizzazz. Well, maybe true to some… Read More