A magic magazine by Alexander de Cova
This issue presents a collection of practical concepts, techniques, and ideas for serious magicians.
Theory & Concepts: The D‑E-C-O-V‑A formula revisited, the five steps of deception, false assumptions and their use in magic.
Sleight-of-hand techniques: Advanced false transfers, structuring a performance, and an alternative method for the card stab effect.
Presentation & Scripting: The art of writing scripts, character development, and how to craft compelling magic routines.
Exclusive Effects & Routines: The worldwide card trick, Slippy Tip, Buddha Card, and the Key Card for Idiots.
Letters from Eternity: A special letter from Eugene Burger with insights into the art of magic.
Conventions & Competitions: A discussion on the real value of magic conventions and lectures.
Available as PDF download or printed edition.
PDF, 36 pages, Din A4 format.