Piracy in Magic decova, 3 March 2016 This project was born out of anger and despair about the things going on on the magic marketplace. Help to stop that! See what Tim Ellis is rightfully doing already. I think we are not the only ones thinking that way. We feel that the honest customers in magic should be protected from accidentally or unknowingly buying rip-offs from unscrupulous so-called “magic dealers”. We feel that the creators giving their efforts, ideas, energy and dedication to the community must be protected. We feel that the performers must be protected from those chaps stealing acts, act ideas, patter, gags and prop design. Burglary, plagiarism and ruthlessness have gone beyond limits in our magic society. Sad but true. Though we can’t prevent it completely, we can at least try and actively do something about it. Quoted from Owen Magic Supreme’s Catalog: “There is hardly anything in the world that some man can not make a little worse and sell a little cheaper — and the people who consider price only are his lawful prey.” Hopefully this website will make more people aware of what nasty things are going on behind the scenes. And we hope to make people think about copyrights, ethics and intellectual property. Our goal is to protect the creators of magic, who give their ideas to others, who then get the success and recognition. On this website we will list relentlessly every rip-off we can find. You can be of help in informing us immediately when you discover plagiarism. Be honest! Play fair! Get sensitized! Respect the creators! Help us make this an honest magic society again. Thank You for cooperating, Bastian Fischer & Alexander de Cova FOR YOUR ATTENTION We appreciate supporters of all kinds. Professionals, amateurs, readers, voyeurs, fellow magicians, dealers, creators. Please share this site on Facebook, Twitter and whatever other social media you are diving in. Share it on the forums. Make it clear that more and more people are fed up by that rip-off mentality. agenda-en
Three Shell Game Addendum 4 February 2017 The classic three shell game is a strong favourite of mine. All those years I was struggling to find a nice and practical way to transport the props. No finally, I found it. The solution is a simple leather pouch, which is used to carry pencils and other writing utensils. You… Read More
Scorpio Omni Deck 23 January 2017 Just received Diamond Jim Tyler’s new Omni Deck from Wolfgang Wollet (thank you for the lighting fast delivery). Great thing! Scares me to death only looking at it, not to talk about having it in my hands! It looks so scary that I wouldn’t want to perform it to real… Read More
One big idea 28 December 2015 The brilliant Seth Godin wrote in his newsletter: “Most breakthrough organizations aren’t built on a bundle of wonderment, novelty and new ideas. In fact, they usually involve just one big idea. The rest is execution, patience, tactics and people. The ability to see what’s happening and to act on it. The rest… Read More