The NOTAS Project decova, 11 June 2017 This project is loosely based on the BURNERS series, which I published in German language. The books will enable access to my material for the English speaking world. Besides some scattered sets of lecture notes, a few issues of the SCRAPBOOK magazine and a few DVDs, there hasn’t been much of a detailed and complete collection of my updated material in English language so far. The release of the first book of this series is scheduled for late summer 2017. It is a softcover book, containing some of my best and most practical material. It covers magic from all realms: close-up, cards, stand-up, stage, mentalism and more. You will also get a couple of theoretical articles, ramblings and instructions for building the props necessary for some routines. Each volume is about 150 pages, richly illustrated with photographs and line drawings. And yes – it feels and reads like my actual personal notebooks! It will be available through a couple of respected dealers. agenda-en
Rubik’s Cube Magic 13 May 2017 In the past years there has been a revival of the ‘magic’ with a Rubik’s Cube. More and more clever methods to do various effects with it. The craze once again started … For me, the cube has always been a toy. A sophisticated one, but still a toy. The… Read More
Birth of an Act 22 July 2016 All ten years or so I decide to create a “new” act. This time it will be a manipulative act for the small stage/parlor. In my past I had already some experience with a manipulation act. I always was fond of this branch of magic. With these little articles I… Read More
Osaka Bills Preparation 8 January 2017 Jan Gallo’s Osaka Bills is one hell of a fun trick, and a practical one, too. If you don’t have it yet, do yourself the favour and get it. It is worth having that one in your arsenal of magical weapons. But buy it from the originator, as it should be. 😉… Read More