Old Wine in New Bottles decova, 16 February 2016 Where is this marketplace going? A “new” trick is offered: A version of the “7 Card Monte” (click here). Well, some sort of discussion and speculation started in some magical forum. When reading this, it really raised my eyebrows. Some people apparently have only a little or limited idea of the history of magic. The basic effect and inspiration was Peter Kane’s “Gipsy Curse”. From that, the late Fred Kaps built his (unpublished) version, using unprepared cards. The Kaps routine is a blast and unmatched. Later, José Caroll was inspired by the Kaps routine and developed his brilliant routine, which is published in «52 Lovers». Derek Dingle had some work on the same lines. Darwin Ortiz has a nice routine in “Scams & Fantasies with Cards”. So there is plenty of people out there that have been contributing to that plot, the “Gipsy Curse” and the Wild Card. Especially Spanish magicians are very familiar with that effect. There is a beautiful version on the Dani DaOrtiz website for download. It is well-known and on the way to becoming a classic. Basically, it is a wild card done under the premise of of Monte effect. I am sure there are other versions as well, which I am not aware of … The dealers offer us a “new” trick, there is even a gimmick involved that “does the work” for you. Given that some of the above mentioned versions are done all without trick cards, using a gimmick in that routine seems like a little step back. I prefer the other versions. Pepe Caroll’s routine, for example, is just a thing of beauty. Reading the books really pays off … agenda-en
Newsletter 01–2024 2 January 2024 The new year has waved its magic wand and catapulted us all into the next round. I hope you all had a magical end to the holidays and are ready for what’s to come. Well, my own end of the year was rather … let’s call it “adventurous”. Just… Read More
Farewell, Blackpool … 7 February 2017 Does going to the Blackpool Convention, drinking in the Ruskins, socializing, making one’s ego big in front of others, chatting bullshit to other guys, hanging around and sharing useless card moves really improve your magic? Or maybe does it only charge up the ego? When you attend the Blackpool Convention,… Read More
About this blog 30 December 2015 Finally, after long and serious considerations (and my nerves being almost blank), I decided to cut off that encumbrance of publishing in two languages: German and (or) English. During the past years, this has been a never ending struggle. Now I finally decided to go for the world, means all… Read More