One big idea decova, 28 December 2015 The brilliant Seth Godin wrote in his newsletter: “Most breakthrough organizations aren’t built on a bundle of wonderment, novelty and new ideas. In fact, they usually involve just one big idea. The rest is execution, patience, tactics and people. The ability to see what’s happening and to act on it. The rest is doing the stuff we already know how to do, the stuff we’ve seen before, but doing it beautifully. You probably don’t need yet another new idea. Better to figure out what to do with the ones you’ve got.” Maybe worth thinking about in magic … maybe that could clear precious space in our magical closets (and brains). agenda-en
Old but Gold 11 January 2016 This topic has been around for decades and many times you will hear that expression ‘old but gold’. Most of the times there is the recommendation to ‘just dig into the old literature’, because it is there where you will find the hidden treasures. That may well be right, but the… Read More
Image 28 July 2016 Just saw this on Facebook, lovely picture of a street performer portraying obviously a magician. He is dressed like a magician with top hat and tailcoat and holds some the tools of our trade in the hands … maybe he actually IS a magician? Now this is really interesting! A passenger,… Read More
Slydini’esque False Cut 1 January 2016 Just a reminder to not forget this stunning and fun-to-do technique. I use this all the time when working at the table. So simple, so convincing. Slydini was the master! Also note my sublime audio editing—your hear all the background noise of the pub we were recording in, as well as an… Read More