Route 333 decova, 28 December 2015 Here is an interesting concept that struck me after reading this. It is originally not meant for magicians, but for clothing. The idea is to keep 33 pieces of clothing for 3 months (you can read the whole thing here: system 333). The ideas is to remove the clutter in the closet. Remove the distractions and the never-ending “what should I wear today?” If we would apply that to our magic stuff, then this could mean: 3 months with only 33 props (and books, DVDs, downloads). Time to cut down and focus … agenda-en
Subtleties 8 January 2024 Subtleties are fine in magic routines, but they will not always work as intended. Much depends on the audience’s level of attention and intelligence, and their interest and focus on the performance. So you can’t always be sure that the subtleties in a routine will work. Sometimes they will, sometimes… Read More
Action Switch 1 January 2016 Lovely switch here with the help of a couple of bills. Might be useful when you want to switch out a set of gaffed cards for normal cards or whatever. Think for yourself how this can be logically integrated into a routine … Read More
Demasiado bueno para ser cierto 26 February 2016 La predicción de una carta utilizando sólo dos tarjetas de visita en blanco. En cualquier momento, en cualquier lugar, en el bolsillo/cartera y casi improvisado. Este es uno de los resultados de mi búsqueda sin fin de “sistemas de clasificación natural”. Nació en una emergencia, cuando no tenía el sistema… Read More