Someone posted this clip from the MagiFest 2016 on Facebook and I just couldn’t stop watching and wondering about it:
Well, certainly the guys do serious, advanced moves and possess skill. Certainly they worked hard and a long time on these moves. But then — watch carefully and concentrate on the very special way they handle the coins. It looks really, really strange to me.
Seems we magicians have somehow forgotten how normal people handle objects, in this case coins. We are apparently completely in love with our ‘handling’ and the moves, diving into our own world of dreams. We lost the ability to see things how they are. We lost the view of a layperson. I think a normal person seeing this might think: “What’s wrong with this guy? Very strange way he handles the coin …”
I never saw these strange movements with Kaps, Goshman, Slydini, Vernon, Ramsey, just to name a few. I miss these truly natural and normal coin handling. What we seem to have these days is a very strange pattern of movements in coin magic.