Subtleties decova, 8 January 2024 Subtleties are fine in magic routines, but they will not always work as intended. Much depends on the audience’s level of attention and intelligence, and their interest and focus on the performance. So you can’t always be sure that the subtleties in a routine will work. Sometimes they will, sometimes only partially, and sometimes they will pass unnoticed. What can you do about it? Nothing. Just try to include as many finesses as possible that make sense for the routine. agenda-en
One big idea 28 December 2015 The brilliant Seth Godin wrote in his newsletter: “Most breakthrough organizations aren’t built on a bundle of wonderment, novelty and new ideas. In fact, they usually involve just one big idea. The rest is execution, patience, tactics and people. The ability to see what’s happening and to act on it. The rest… Read More
Chase The Ace Revisited 6 January 2017 When I was working for the ZZM (Zauberzentrale München) with Harold Voit, one of the main tricks to be learned and demonstrated for the customers was Ken Brooke’s “Chase the Ace”: the one with the three jumbo cards with the false indices: Ace, Two and Three. I always liked the… Read More
René Lavand’s Trick 21 May 2018 Since my youth I was addicted to the ‘cutting the aces’ by Dai Vernon (see Stars of Magic). Especially when I learned of the theatrical presentation of PUNX, which is described in his book ‘Setzt euch zu meinen Füßen’. What a gem! But then the method was too unsure for… Read More