About this blog decova, 30 December 2015 Finally, after long and serious considerations (and my nerves being almost blank), I decided to cut off that encumbrance of publishing in two languages: German and (or) English. During the past years, this has been a never ending struggle. Now I finally decided to go for the world, means all my publishing attempts will now be in English. Germany is nice, but then, only a small part on the global map. The rest of the world somehow just couldn’t understand me … Also, I eventually got the domain I was hoping for such a long time. Here you will find the information on my products, books, tricks, etc. The formerly published German articles will remain there under the corresponding heading. agenda-en
Tributo a Lennart Green 11 September 2017 Cuando Lennart Green publicó su rutina comercial llamada ‘Stolen Cards’, resultó ser un éxito inmediato en el mundo de la cartomagia. Como muchos, compré inmediatamente el juego. Sin su invención y su rutina, esta humilde ofrenda no existiría. El truco es muy fuerte y bastante fácil de realizar. Con esta… Read More
Is Erdnase Still Necessary? 11 January 2017 I forgot how many times magicians have asked me that question in the past 25 years. It seems there is something mysterious about that old book. The answer to that post’s title is: Yes, absolutely! What – a $2.00 book that is public domain and old-fashioned? Yes, absolutely! But then… Read More
Cracking Magic (3) — Tools 6 March 2016 Now we are going to discuss a couple of tools that are useful in building our archive. These are not many and may differ from what you have been using already. Again, very few and simple categories: computer note taking storage Computer In these days almost everybody owns a smartphone,… Read More