7 Card Monte for Fun decova, 4 January 2016 I found this one and I had completely forgotten about it. Some experimentation with Vernon’s Seven Card Monte. The setup is the same as Vernon’s using a DF-card. Try to figure it out … http://solidmagic.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/7‑card-monte-my-way.mp4 agenda-en
Perfection Hurts 11 June 2017 Magicians tend to over-evaluate the importance of perfection. They try to achieve perfection in their tricks and moves, and most of the times something other very important (presentation) falls behind. Ever since Dai Vernon brought that ›perfection‹ to the attention of magicians, this mysterious thing circulated around the magic circles… Read More
The Lordship of Trailers 19 January 2016 We have seen it. We see it again and again. If there is a new trick out that the magic marketplace wants us to buy, there are video trailers promoting the item. It is called marketing. Fair. Most of these trailers are produced by capable guys in perfect Hollywood style, often… Read More
Cracking Magic (3) — Tools 6 March 2016 Now we are going to discuss a couple of tools that are useful in building our archive. These are not many and may differ from what you have been using already. Again, very few and simple categories: computer note taking storage Computer In these days almost everybody owns a smartphone,… Read More