Bowly Tip Jar decova, 3 January 2016 Here is something for you guys, who like fiddling around in the workshop (although I just did this on my kitchen table in 30 minutes). All started when I read Cody Fisher’s brilliant ‘Bill in Lemon’ routine. His routining is excellent, and I love the ploy with the borrowed ‘tip’ (the spectator’s bill). I couldn’t get hold of the jar Cody uses (close to impossible to get in Europe), so I had to switch materials. Here is what I came up with, it is a tip jar bowl actually and it looks (and works) good. You should know Cody’s routine, otherwise the whole description will not make too much sense for you. UK readers will have an advantage, because the big bowl and the plastic pint glasses come from the UK … Get a plastic fish bowl. This is used in bars for serving drinks! Then get a supply of polycarbonate pint glasses. I absolutely love the UK, the pubs, and, of course, the pints (not only the glasses, but the content as well!). Now this is great that a common pub item is used in a magic trick! I found both on Amazon, a quick search for polycarbonate pint glasses and plastic gold fish bowl will give the desired results.. First you will remove the bottom of a pint glass. I used a bore belt of appropriate diameter for this, but you could use a normal saw as well for this. Then with a quality epoxy glue, fix the pint glass right into the fishbowl and let it dry thoroughly. Next step is to remove the bottom of the bowl with a Dremel like tool. You will end up with a sort of milk pitcher thing. The idea is to wedge the lemon with the hole side up in the pint glass, near the bottom. Due to the fact that the polycarbonate is sort of flexible, it will jam there safely. But you can easily dislodge it by pressing lightly down on it. It will fall through the ‘tunnel’ into your hand or wherever you want it to be. Stuff some stage money into the compartment. The tip jar bowl will look like its filled up to the rim with bills. Quite deceptive and innocent. Go ahead. Do something with this baby! 😉 agenda-en
Battle The Monkey Brain 19 May 2018 If we believe researchers and scientists, we all have the mind of a monkey. This analogy, slightly humorous though it may be, is actually an interesting one. Consider that we have around forty thousand separate thoughts each day, many of them on the same topic. As magicians, thoughts about magic are… Read More
John Carey’s Beginnings 28 December 2015 What a nice, humble and (above all) solid way John Carey got started in magic (taken from his running week at the Magic Cafe Forum). Worth a read and consideration: It all began for me as a kid of 9 stuck in a hospital bed. Mum and Dad bought me… Read More
Wacky Laws 17 January 2016 Interesting read these days and found out about some interesting ‘wacky laws’ … Sturgeon’s Relevation: This was (is) also called ‘Sturgoen’s Law’ by many. It says: “90% of everything is crap.” This one is my favorite and therefore used as a slogan on this blog. A look at the magic marketplace and… Read More