I forgot how many times magicians have asked me that question in the past 25 years. It seems there is something mysterious about that old book. The answer to that post’s title is:
Yes, absolutely!
What – a $2.00 book that is public domain and old-fashioned?
Yes, absolutely!
But then laymen reading this will know all the secrets?
No, if you perform them right.
Recently I stumbled across Aaron Fisher’s website, where he details his masterplan to get accomplished in card magic. It is a very nice work he did. I like that he focusses on the techniques one really needs as a performer.
If I had only known this when I started! When we started out many years ago, we studied everything we could get our hands on. Wasted time? I think so in many cases.
It would have been better if I had started with the Erdnase stuff right away (and then stick to it). When you take a look at the list below, you will see that most of these sleights are described in that book.
When I turned 30 I came back to Erdnase and started to re-learn the essential sleights.
Here is a list of the moves I can do best and which have served me in the past 30 years. I accomplished most of my tricks with the help of this arsenal of trickery:
Greek Break
Double Cut Swing Cut
Double Lift
Classic Pass
Spread Pass
Diagonal Palm Shift
Topping The Deck
Erdnase Bottom Palm
Fan Steal
Card Folds
Actions Switch
Overhand False Shuffle (Erdnase)
Zarrow Shuffle
Shank Shuffle
Jennings False Cut
Diverse Erdnase Table False Cuts
Top Change
Classic Force
Hofzinser Cull
Robinson’s Force
Second Deal
Vernon Transfer Move
Ghost Count(s)
Ascanio Spread
Mexican Turnover
Vernon’s One Handed Shuffle
All Around Square Up
Some of the moves (and the time) could have been avoided. Others should have been avoided. The important ones should have been learned right away from the Erdnase book.
The moral of the story? Go back to the basics and master them first. This will take a lifetime in itself.
Hope this is of some help for the younger ones starting out in card magic, in order to save time, energy and frustration and get on the right track right from the beginning.
You barely need more than the stuff in Erdnase as an all-round performer with a career stirred towards performing for paying lay people. Luckily, some of the important publishers have realised the importance of Erdnase’s work and put out fantastic reprints and editions, even with the matching decks. No better way to get into the magical world of Erdnase.
But I know from my own experience that in the beginning stages of one’s card magic development it is difficult to resist the temptation for the new and fancy stuff …