- The King of CardsOn my recent lecture tour, I spent a wonderful evening after the lecture dining with my friends. Suddenly a small discussion about Denis Behr’s new full evening program came up. Some guys had seen it already, and the talk was about Denis’ opening effect, which seemed …
- Thoughts on the Gozintha BoxThe Gozintha Box invented by Lubor Fiedler is actually a brilliant invention. Unfortunately, it has not been given as much attention and love as it deserves. In reality, this feat is not that easy to perform, and the handling needs to be practised very carefully. It is …
- Making Old PaperIf you’re aiming to infuse a sense of genuine antiquity into your presentation materials – whether it be an old-style letter containing cards, akin to those used in the Gipsy Curse, or perhaps a calendar resembling an ancient leather-bound tome – here’s my proven method for …
- The Blank Book TestAs a magician, I’m usually reluctant to reveal the secrets of my craft to fellow conjurers, preferring to keep these mysteries close to my chest. However, given my promise to you, I’ll make an exception this time. While I have a general fondness and respect for …
- SubtletiesSubtleties are fine in magic routines, but they will not always work as intended. Much depends on the audience’s level of attention and intelligence, and their interest and focus on the performance. So you can’t always be sure that the subtleties in a routine will work. Sometimes …
- Newsletter 01–2024The new year has waved its magic wand and catapulted us all into the next round. I hope you all had a magical end to the holidays and are ready for what’s to come. Well, my own end of the year was rather … let’s call it …
- Ricky JayR.I.P. With him, magic has lost one of the major creative forces and an outstanding performer, creator, historian and ambassador of the art of magic. A truly outstanding, original performer and personality. Thank you for all you have given to us. You will live on in our memories forever. ~~~o …
- The Missing Dollar BillAn introductory presentation for the Fred Kaps $11 Bill Trick: First tell the old story about the restaurant and the 3 guests. The bill for the 3 customers is $30. Each pays $10. Later, in the kitchen, the owner explains that the bill is actually only …
- Tables at CompetitionsOne thing that saddens me when I see contests at (many) magic conventions : the tables of the close-up, card magic and parlour categories. How often have we seen a simple, plain table decorated with an ugly piece of material? “Attached to the table with gaffer tape, …
- Roberto Giobbi’s NameIt is sometimes difficult for English speakers to pronounce Italian or Spanish names correctly (as it is for us Germans!). Recently I was doing some research and had to go through some of Roberto’s publications. Often I heard his name mispronounced in the introductions. This may …
- The Standing OvationIn the past years, the SO (standing ovation) seems to have become a “regular” at magic conventions. The most recent example is the FISM in Busan. Wittus Witt remarked on his blog that maybe this FISM-convention will enter history as the “convention of the standing ovations”. A …
- The Easy To Perform TrapIt is not uncommon to see the phrase “easy to perform” used in advertisements for magic items. As some of my research in the magic community has shown, the majority of magicians (amateurs and professionals alike) are attracted to advertisements that use this or similar copy. Understandable, …
- Kill With MagicIn recent years, there seems to have been a trend in the magic of advertising: the way in which advertising copy is worded. More and more often we read words and sentences like these: “This will fry your brain!” “This is a killer effect!” “Destroy them with this!” “This will …
- Conscious SelectionOne of the interesting things for me is to analyze my buying habits. As most of us, I went through the tedious process of being remote controlled by the dealers’ catalogues, the ads in the magazines and, of course, the internet and their online shops. After being …
- EnoughRecently I acquired a very interesting read: John Naish’s book ‘Enough’. It’s main topics are about getting the idea of ‘having enough’. Whilst being a ‘non-magic’ book, it is a very inspiring and thought provoking read for us magicians, who are facing the same problems of over-saturation, …
- My Idea GadgetPeople like gizmos and gadgets. So do I. The crazier, the better. I want to share with you my one of my ’idea techniques’.The photo shows my typical idea workspace. I use the lightbulb, which actually is a container with a screwable lid. This is always …
- Catch Phrases for ScriptsScripting is very important for magic. It is an art for itself and depends largely on good ideas and novel slants story wise. When writing a script for a magic trick, it is sometimes not so easy to find an effective intro line. Sometimes a questions can …
- The Plot in Magic (1)One of the most important things for a proper theatrical performance piece in magic (or Mentalism) is the plot. Many routines lack of a plot. They seem like a useless demonstration of clever principles, designed and put together to showcase the performer’s cleverness, dexterity or ‘skill’ …
- Breaking the RhythmIt is the little things that really make the difference. This post is to make you aware (or remind you, if you have forgotten) of some brilliant analysis and thinking by Ascanio regarding the Hamman Count. Usually this count is done in a steady rhythm: 1 — 2 …
- René Lavand’s TrickSince my youth I was addicted to the ‘cutting the aces’ by Dai Vernon (see Stars of Magic). Especially when I learned of the theatrical presentation of PUNX, which is described in his book ‘Setzt euch zu meinen Füßen’. What a gem! But then the method was …
- A good question …From time to time questions like these arise: “What makes a good creator and how can you become aware of them?” I faced this question quite a few times. The answer is quite difficult (or was). Meanwhile, I answer with citations from the Bible: “By their fruits you …
- Battle The Monkey BrainIf we believe researchers and scientists, we all have the mind of a monkey. This analogy, slightly humorous though it may be, is actually an interesting one. Consider that we have around forty thousand separate thoughts each day, many of them on the same topic. As magicians, thoughts …
- Rubiales PremonitionWhilst watching the explanation of Rubiales’ genius ‘Blindside Deck’, this idea occurred to me. You might find it interesting to play around with. The BSD is set-up as follows: 26 cards from Eddie Joseph’s Premonition deck (bank 1), 26 cards (bank 2). A blue deck set-up with 51 …
- Tributo a Lennart GreenCuando Lennart Green publicó su rutina comercial llamada ‘Stolen Cards’, resultó ser un éxito inmediato en el mundo de la cartomagia. Como muchos, compré inmediatamente el juego. Sin su invención y su rutina, esta humilde ofrenda no existiría. El truco es muy fuerte y bastante fácil de …
- Enthymemata July 2017I will take the right to write a few random words on my blog. I chose the word ‘enthymemata’, which is Latin and sort of translates into: thoughts, point of view, reflections. Cool word and a fitting one to describe what you will read on this …
- The Diary EffectThis is my version of the classic ‘Diary Effect’ as invented by Ted Danson. It was inspired by and is loosely based on ideas by Patrick Page, Eddie Joseph, Mark Elsdon, Mike Bornstein, Richard Webster and Bob Cassidy. I wrote up the workings of this in …
- Magician FoolerMany magicians are very fond of Juan Tamariz’s brilliant routine “Neither Blind Nor Silly”, published in his wonderful book SONATA. I did it for a very long time and still use it as described for lay people. What an effect this trick has! I sometimes do it …
- Floating GlassesDo you remember the old trick, where two glasses are placed with the openings down onto a clear glass plate (or a book), which is then turned over with the glasses being apparently suspended in mid air? I always liked the trick, because of its simplicity and …
- Harbin’s Card In BottleRobert Harbin’s ‘Card in Bottle’ is a terrific trick. I absolutely love Martin Lewis’ brilliant adaption/method for doing it. The only wee little drawback is that it demands the use of a blackout table to get rid of the empty bottle. For a long time I …
- Bob Ostin’s ClipRecently, Bob Ostin’s venerable switching device received an update and was revamped by a prominent magic factory. I am a big fan of Bob’s gimmick and have been using it for a few decades now, switching in and out various items, from billets to bills to …
- About CreationIn the magic community arrises from time to time the topic of ‘being a creator’ or ‘creations’. So – time to take a short look at what creation, creators or ‘being creative’ could mean. If we look it up in the dictionary, the results will be somewhat …
- A Mechanical MatrixRecently visualist Will Tsai performed his version of the Matrix effect on AGT. As it could be foreseen, it got a tremendous reaction on the various social media and magic forums. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7wrfzpjf9U The main point of discussion is without a doubt the question whether this routine could or …
- Ascanio Floating Double VariationThis is a little extra for an ACR, that can be used before revealing that the card rose up to the top. To begin with, the ambitious card is on top (without the spectators knowing this, of course). The performer shows the top three cards not …
- Tribute To Lennart GreenWhen Lennart Green put out his commercial routine called ‘Stolen Cards’, it proved to be an immediate hit in the card magic world. Like many, I immediately bought a set. Without his invention and routine, this humble offering wouldn’t exist. The trick is a very strong one …
- Spring Flowers ReloadedSpring flowers have been a topic in magic for more than 100 years. Ever since Buatier de Kolta invented them, they have been a fixed component in magician’s repertoires. It is sad that the flowers available from dealers look just outright crappy and cheap. One source I …
- Perfection HurtsMagicians tend to over-evaluate the importance of perfection. They try to achieve perfection in their tricks and moves, and most of the times something other very important (presentation) falls behind. Ever since Dai Vernon brought that ›perfection‹ to the attention of magicians, this mysterious thing circulated …
- The NOTAS ProjectThis project is loosely based on the BURNERS series, which I published in German language. The books will enable access to my material for the English speaking world. Besides some scattered sets of lecture notes, a few issues of the SCRAPBOOK magazine and a few DVDs, …
- Ring And RopeFinally, I found a ring that is perfectly suited for these countless ring/rope routines. Finally a ring the spectators will recognize and know what it is! Onstage, I could imagine even using the lion’s head as a deco, removing the ring, do the routine and replacing …
- Obsessed MagiciansComparing the past and the present times, it seems the magician’s scene is more and more dominated by trends. I see people getting heavily involved into producing and promoting busker’s pouches and complete ‘buskers’ outfits (from table to pouch to cups to wand). I see more and more …
- Rubik’s Cube MagicIn the past years there has been a revival of the ‘magic’ with a Rubik’s Cube. More and more clever methods to do various effects with it. The craze once again started … For me, the cube has always been a toy. A sophisticated one, but still …
- The Slippy TipThis one really changed my life and attitude towards the work with a thumb tip and any folded slips of paper or bills inside it. It is what I would call a classical ‘hack’. The main problem for me was that often I couldn’t retrieve the …
- Better Than ErdnaseDaniel Madison’s videoclip makes the rounds and it seems that more and more card men disagree or laugh at it. I like Daniel Madison. He is himself and unique. And I like the clips he puts out. Very entertaining. He is the best Daniel Madison there …
- Don’t Please The AudienceHere is an interesting and thought-provoking article you should read before going into my ramblings: http://blog.simplease.at/2014/02/dont-please-your-clients/ Good thought, right? For a designer, this is simply a truth. The quality of the relationship customer/designer depends on how good the designer is finding out what the customer really needs. In magic, …
- Love it, leave it or change itThis is quite a good saying that someone reminded me of some time ago. I have been thinking about it really hard. I’m talking about what to do in magic in these times, and what to publish and share with the magic community and how to do that. After …
- The Sameness of MagicIn the past years I started to watch carefully other magicians’ selections of tricks that they perform in their shows. No matter where I looked, again and again I saw the same tricks (at least here in Germany, Austria and Switzerland): Chop Cup (Paul Daniels style), floating …
- Farewell, Blackpool …Does going to the Blackpool Convention, drinking in the Ruskins, socializing, making one’s ego big in front of others, chatting bullshit to other guys, hanging around and sharing useless card moves really improve your magic? Or maybe does it only charge up the ego? When you attend the …
- The Mighty TVRecently, I was watching the YouTube clip of David Roth’s performance on the Penn & Teller show. I was interested in seeing his handling of the open servante. A glance at the picture will tell you that the directors of the show made my studies very …
- Thank You, David Roth!I am reflecting on the magnificent magicians and people who brought all that joy to my life. Without them, I wouldn’t be what I am. Particularly, I would like to express my sincerest thanks to Mr. David Roth. When I was a youngster, his coin work shaped …
- Three Shell Game AddendumThe classic three shell game is a strong favourite of mine. All those years I was struggling to find a nice and practical way to transport the props. No finally, I found it. The solution is a simple leather pouch, which is used to carry pencils and …
- Idiot’s Key CardThe idiot is me, by the way. Because I repeatedly forget in Vernon’s great trick ‘Emotional Reaction’ with the key card (see Inner Secrets of Card Magic), whether the card on the left or the card on the right is the spectator’s chosen card. I simplified …
- Mini Illusion AppearanceSometimes I like to challenge myself (or, in fact, I am challenged by someone) with a particular problem. How can I make the performer appear in a close-up theater? This sounds easy, but it is not. I have found some interesting solutions, which I will explain …
- Scorpio Omni DeckJust received Diamond Jim Tyler’s new Omni Deck from Wolfgang Wollet (thank you for the lighting fast delivery). Great thing! Scares me to death only looking at it, not to talk about having it in my hands! It looks so scary that I wouldn’t want to perform …
- Take A Different PathIt wasn’t long after David Copperfield and Kevin James popularized the ‘Snow’ effect that soon just about everyone was doing it. If your goal is to look like every other magician, follow the herd. If your goal is to define your own magical experience, run away …
- The Diary TrickThe diary effect is a classic for many reasons. I like it, but many of the existing methods are a bit complicated. This changed when Patrick Page showed me his Good Old Moore’s Diary trick. Here was the perfect solution for walk-around work. Nothing to remember, …
- Misdirection ReferencesIn the past years I observed that quite a lot of magicians were searching for reference material on misdirection. Here I offer a collection of book sources. The books listed below have helped me most and shaped my thinking about misdirection. These books should get you …
- The Premonition Box StoryI absolutely hate writing about this, but then we live in a modern world, where copying stuff is the normal thing to do. I was ripped-off so many times that I don’t want to count anymore. I am sick of it. But recently I learned of another …
- The Insane Lecture BusinessNow at the beginning of a year, I always make my notes of all the different lecture tours in Germany. 2017 will be a year like never before. The MZvD (Magic Circle Germany), and some private lecture tour organisers, put up a schedule which is ridiculous! This …
- Lloyd Barnes ACME Hole TrickI don’t jump on a new one-trick pony too often, but this one really baffled (and fooled) me. Check out the video trailer, make up your mind and download it. It is really good and a fun trick to do. I am going to incorporate this into …
- A Simple Book TestThere are more book tests in magic than magicians are willing to buy. The number of different systems and editions is staggering. I have had my fair share: M.O.A.B., Flashback, Codex‑X, you name it. All of them are good, but some of them depend on prepared books. …
- A Bullet Journal For MagicNot so long ago the concept of the bullet Journal came to the awareness of many people which had used the classic Filofax time management systems. It wasn’t long and the thing created a real hype on the internet, a lot of people forgetting the major idea …
- Is Erdnase Still Necessary?I forgot how many times magicians have asked me that question in the past 25 years. It seems there is something mysterious about that old book. The answer to that post’s title is: Yes, absolutely! What – a $2.00 book that is public domain and old-fashioned? Yes, absolutely! But then …
- Seven Tools For Critical ThinkingSome guys wondered about the subtitle of this blog. The expression ’90% of everything is crap’ is the well-known Sturgeon’s Law (or Sturgeon’s Revelation). The reason I use it is because I find Daniel Dennett’s work quite interesting and I think in modern magic it holds true …
- Osaka Bills PreparationJan Gallo’s Osaka Bills is one hell of a fun trick, and a practical one, too. If you don’t have it yet, do yourself the favour and get it. It is worth having that one in your arsenal of magical weapons. But buy it from the originator, as …
- Table Hopping ChessI don’t do table-hopping anymore, except in an emergency. But when I was doing this, here is a little strategy that is easy to make, doesn’t cost a lot and is really fun to perform. This gets all your props in a handy case, supplies an …
- Chase The Ace RevisitedWhen I was working for the ZZM (Zauberzentrale München) with Harold Voit, one of the main tricks to be learned and demonstrated for the customers was Ken Brooke’s “Chase the Ace”: the one with the three jumbo cards with the false indices: Ace, Two and Three. I …
- Magical MonksMagicians are proud of their history, the whole looooong story .… We cherish the old stuff, but wrongly. We still perform, like apes imitating each other, the same lame stuff. One copying the other, in the hope to get the same strong reactions from the lines, jokes …
- Have you seen the lecture?I don’t know when it happened and how. But it happened. At one time, many of the lecturers on the circuit started to perform card tricks (on the table top). I have nothing against it (I like card tricks), but I had a problem: actually seeing …
- The Erdnase BibleRecently I found something interesting. The Conjuring Arts Center sells some tiny TEATCT editions, which look like miniature bibles. Great. The main idea is two-fold. Many times I was asked by the spectators, how I learned all those tricks. Now, by having this little book with me, …
- The Trumpy Color Changing SilkAfter the elections in the USA, we have a different situation coming. I don’t want to go into the political debate, that is not my business as a German. But it is nice that this Mr. Trump is in the spotlight and so prominent now, because …
- Training In MagicRecently I subscribed to the chess website «Tiger Chess» by GM Nigel Davies. My thoughts were two-fold: I want to improve in my chess and looked for a sort of «course» that was constructed on a longterm basis. A solid training plan. Secondly, I wanted to …
- The Vertigo PredictionThis new gimmick has arrived in our headquarters. Well, I write reviews only rarely, but will do on this one. At least, this is a 70 € investment. First, take a look at the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kKinJV1YlE Basically, this is an index system concealed in a card case. The …
- Cracking Magic (8) — ChecklistWhen doing the selection process for the material in your archive, it is of enormous help of having a checklist with the most important questions about the item to be added. This list is optimized for the casual performer and hobbyist, the pros will have their …
- Table Magic TheatreI remember well when about 18 years ago, I wanted to open a small theatre of my own, where close-up magic was performed evening after evening. A few years later I was helping a fellow magician with his show and I suggested performing close-up magic at …
- ImageJust saw this on Facebook, lovely picture of a street performer portraying obviously a magician. He is dressed like a magician with top hat and tailcoat and holds some the tools of our trade in the hands … maybe he actually IS a magician? Now this is really …
- It’s A Snap!When I watch videos of magicians (especially close-uppers) on the net, there is one thing that is annoying to me: the constant snapping of their fingers, when a magical moment is about to happen. Sure, we are used to quite a lot of silly “magical gestures” …
- Birth of an ActAll ten years or so I decide to create a “new” act. This time it will be a manipulative act for the small stage/parlor. In my past I had already some experience with a manipulation act. I always was fond of this branch of magic. With …
- The Billiard Ball TrickRecently I attended a convention here in Germany (the preselections for the German Masterships) and I watched with anticipation the contest – especially the genre manipulations. And there it was again: the old Billiard Ball Trick. Well, it is a classic, and (maybe due to the …
- A Surprising FindRecently I read in some of those really old books in magic. In the volume “Tricks for Everyone” by David Devant (published in 1909!), he describes a lovely quick trick with a ruler. The moves and the vanish look like the well-known “Flip Stick Move”, as a …
- Conférences en EspagneLes préparatifs et voyages pour la tournée de conférences en Espagne ont occupé tout mon temps libre, de sorte que le blog a été en quelque sorte négligé. Malgré tout — en ce moment je suis en tournée en Espagne, je montre ici pour la première …
- The GuitarOur magic industry is governed by the magic dealers. Imagine a (magic) world without our dealers. It would be drearily and boring. Only half the fun. But also, with the dealers came the trade-specific copy. They developed it almost into an art form of deceiving the prospective customer. …
- La Piel del RevésSiendo cada vez más y más bombardeado por las nuevas cosas y las estrategias de marketing de internet (y los internautas) me surge una pregunta. Hablando acerca de magia, por supuesto. Los video clips perfectamente realizados, todo a un cierto nivel de producción es lo estándar …
- The Insideout FurBeing bombarded by new things and the marketing strategies of the internet(eers) more and more, a question arrises. Speaking about magic, of course. Perfectly made video clips, all in a certain level of production is the standard these days. We all got used to that. The design, …
- Cracking Magic (7) — SelectionsThis and the following articles should be of some help in making proper selections. Of course, it must be understood that the tricks and books I will suggest are purely my personal opinion and your taste may vary. Don’t forget, this is written with the casual …
- Cracking magic (6) — Bullshit ListAfter having prepared everything from the hardware side, it is time to tackle the material itself. The first thing in my opinion is to be able to properly select material, or sometimes to de-select material. Therefore, I changed the former article “The Bullshit List” into this …
- Cracking Magic (5) — ToolsThe hardware is being expanded by some very important tools … Having mentioned in the last article already that the computer is not my most important tool for the archive, here is one of the most important tools (besides the brain, of course): notebooks. Not the electronic …
- Cracking Magic (4) — ToolsNow that we have the little notebook or whatever ready for use, it is time to get some structure onto it. Here is the system I have been using for years and it proved to function perfectly. The whole thing is to make the amount of subfolders …
- Seminare sind Popcorn für die Seele!Gedanken von Robert Stacher Seminare, Workshops, Super Practice Sessions – sie sind das Zaubersalz in unserer Suppe. Wo sonst würden wir alte Bekannte und Freunde treffen und über unser eigenes Repertoire plaudern können? Wofür würden wir sonst unser Geld ausgeben, wenn nicht für Requisiten und Hilfsmittel, die kurze …
- Cracking Magic (3) — ToolsNow we are going to discuss a couple of tools that are useful in building our archive. These are not many and may differ from what you have been using already. Again, very few and simple categories: computer note taking storage Computer In these days almost everybody owns a smartphone, tablet, …
- Cracking Magic (2) — StructureLet’s take a look at that monster called archive. We have to build one from scratch. Much better than wasting time in trying to get some overview of the mess we have already. This will be our new archive, that also represents our new life as …
- Cracking Magic (1) — IntroThere are tons of books and courses out there, even blogs dedicated to the topic of self-organization. But for the magicians, there isn’t too much on this. In the past years, helping other magicians create their acts and shows, one thing has been very prominently: They …
- Piracy in MagicThis project was born out of anger and despair about the things going on on the magic marketplace. Help to stop that! See what Tim Ellis is rightfully doing already. I think we are not the only ones thinking that way. We feel that the honest customers in …
- La Piratería en la MagiaEste proyecto nació desde el enfado y la desesperación sobre lo que está ocurriendo en el mercado de la magia. ¡Ayuda a parar esto! Echa un vistazo a lo que Tim Ellis ya está haciendo de hecho. Creo que no somos los únicos que pensamos así. Pensamos …
- Cylinder and CoinsIf there ever was a magical “DIY hack”, then it is this one here. John Ramsay’s “Cylinder and Coins” trick is a classic and a very strong effect. I always wanted to do it, but then there were two obstacles: The expensive and hard to get …
- Too Good To Be TrueA card prediction using only two small blank file cards. Anytime, anywhere, in the pocket/wallet and almost impromptu. One of the results of my never-ending search for “natural index systems”. It was born in an emergency, when I didn’t have the Knepper outfit with me, because …
- Demasiado bueno para ser ciertoLa predicción de una carta utilizando sólo dos tarjetas de visita en blanco. En cualquier momento, en cualquier lugar, en el bolsillo/cartera y casi improvisado. Este es uno de los resultados de mi búsqueda sin fin de “sistemas de clasificación natural”. Nació en una emergencia, cuando …
- Turning the Himber WalletThe Himber Wallet is a very useful tool. But sometimes, it is easy to get confused as to which side to open. I know that a seasoned pro has no problem with that, but this hint is directed at the amateur and casual performer. In order to …