- Pocket ParagonRecently my friend Jon Allen informed me that he had a new version of his best selling trick “Paragon” in the pipeline. He sent me a little private video clip and I was fascinated! You do the same Paragon effect, but then you use a clear …
- Gracias a AronsonSimon Aronson es un genio de la cartomagia. Me encanta su trabajo. Hay un juego que siempre me ha fascinado, es su “Ad-jacent”. ¡Qué gran juego! A pesar de tenerlo, no lo podría hacer, porque soy zurdo, y todos las maniobras están fuera de mi alcance y …
- Thanks to AronsonSimon Aronson is a card magic genius. I love his work. There is one trick that has fascinated me thoroughly, and that is his “Ad-Jacent”. What a great trick! Despite having it, I wouldn’t perform it, because I am a lefty, and all the regular peek work …
- La Habitación PerfectaEl escenario de la magia se ha convertido de alguna forma un tanto demente. Un congreso por aquí, otro por allá, un opar de videos, DVD‘s, trucos nuevos, libros por leer, encuentros entre clubs, nuevas descargas, nuevo, nuevo, nuevo… ¡Bang! Y la cabeza explota. Con todo este …
- The Perfect RoomThe magic scene has become somehow insane. A convention here, some event there, a couple of videos, DVDs, new tricks, books to be read, club meeting, gigs, new downloads, new new new … bang! The head explodes. With all that input, how can one still be creative …
- Help me!Last year, same time. Ring ring! (phone) Q: Hi Alex! XXX here (name garbled). A. Hi! What’s on? Q: Alex, you have to help me! I have a show in two weeks, and I need a 25 minute stand-up program, some new tricks and things. You know, it is an important …
- CTW Empalme Sans¡Me encanta este pequeño “hack”! Lo hago de forma habitual, no porque no pueda empalmar cartas sino porque es divertidísimo poder hacerlo justo delante de sus narices. Lleva el conocido gag de las 52 cartas en el bolsillo izquierdo de tu pantalon (con el dorso que coincida …
- CTW Sans PalmI love this little “hack”! I do this often, not because I can’t palm cards, but because it is so much fun to do it right under their noses. Have one of the well known gag cards with 52 printed on the (with a matching back for …
- 10.000 Hours Myth DebunkedI published this notion already on the German part of my blog, but then would want to repeat it here for the English readers. After seeing again and again on the Facebook, at conventions and in clubs the desire and attempts of magicians to master something and …
- Old Wine in New BottlesWhere is this marketplace going? A “new” trick is offered: A version of the “7 Card Monte” (click here). Well, some sort of discussion and speculation started in some magical forum. When reading this, it really raised my eyebrows. Some people apparently have only a little or …
- Mullica Wallet TipI love the category “hacks” on this blog, which deals with fixing small problems in our magical life. This is one of those “hacks” that are intended to make a magician’s life more comfortable and more trouble-free. The Mullica Wallet is a great thing. But then, the removal …
- The End of The LadderJon Allen’s “Paragon” ist fine. It is a real advancement in “Signed Folded Card to Clear Box”. I like it, because my LAGER Switch was instrumental in that. So I was sort of instrumental in the existence of “Paragon” as well. Fine feeling, makes me a bit proud. …
- The Non-ConventioneerQ: Are you going to be in Blackpool this year? A: No. Q: Why not? It’s great! Tons of magic … A: No, it’s not all that great really. Yes, there is tons of. But not necessarily tons of magic that I like, unfortunately. Q: Why? 3000 magicians friends there, …
- The Thrill is GoneAgain, Seth Godin, who wrote that in his newsletter: Of course it is. The definition of a thrill is temporary excitement, usually experienced for the first time. It’s thrilling to ride a roller coaster. The fifth time you have to ride it, though, it’s more than a chore, …
- Strange MovementsSomeone posted this clip from the MagiFest 2016 on Facebook and I just couldn’t stop watching and wondering about it: Well, certainly the guys do serious, advanced moves and possess skill. Certainly they worked hard and a long time on these moves. But then — watch carefully and …
- Pocket RoyaleThe UK card man gave me another one of his creations for my humble blog. Thank you, John! Along, here in his own words: Hi Guys, Here’s a practically self working piece that’s a lot of fun to do. Set a royal flush in spades on top of the deck …
- Magic and ActingHere something interesting — a student of mine working together with an actor in a little set. Nice! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_s7n-rHmAw
- End of Scripting ProblemsIn the past weeks I struggled to upgrade my computers with a very important software. I decided from now on to give it a try and get used to the Dragon dictation system software. At first I thought this is going to be easy, but it …
- The Cardpool ConventionI am pondering all the time whether or not to attend this year’s Blackpool convention. I love the Wintergarden’s, the magicians and I love the Ruskins. I love meeting pals, strolling through the dealer’s hall, watching lectures and all this. And the pints, of course … BUT—what really …
- The Lordship of TrailersWe have seen it. We see it again and again. If there is a new trick out that the magic marketplace wants us to buy, there are video trailers promoting the item. It is called marketing. Fair. Most of these trailers are produced by capable guys in perfect …
- Wacky LawsInteresting read these days and found out about some interesting ‘wacky laws’ … Sturgeon’s Relevation: This was (is) also called ‘Sturgoen’s Law’ by many. It says: “90% of everything is crap.” This one is my favorite and therefore used as a slogan on this blog. A look at the …
- DisassemblingRecently I wanted to upgrade an additional SSD on my 27″ iMac. So I searched in the internet for some instructional videos, which I found (see video below). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03Lg4IgJd04 Something dawned on me. With this really excellent instruction video, I was able to add the SSD drive. But—and that …
- Old but GoldThis topic has been around for decades and many times you will hear that expression ‘old but gold’. Most of the times there is the recommendation to ‘just dig into the old literature’, because it is there where you will find the hidden treasures. That may well be …
- Internet Kills Magic?Read an interesting article about the internet (and smartphones) killing magic. The topic is, of course, a reality we magicians in these times have to face. But not only we magicians, also the theater, music and all the places where there are live performances of artists. …
- 7 Card Monte for FunI found this one and I had completely forgotten about it. Some experimentation with Vernon’s Seven Card Monte. The setup is the same as Vernon’s using a DF-card. Try to figure it out …
- Erdnase False ShuffleJust a reminder for this nice technique, which is described in one of the Vernon Inner Secrets of Card Magic Books. I don’t know why we should buy each and every ‘new variation’. This kind of stuff in the books is more than good enough. In …
- Bowly Tip JarHere is something for you guys, who like fiddling around in the workshop (although I just did this on my kitchen table in 30 minutes). All started when I read Cody Fisher’s brilliant ‘Bill in Lemon’ routine. His routining is excellent, and I love the ploy …
- Ed Marlo FootageSometimes Youtube is good for researching and storing history. This clip is a very nice compilation of rare footage of Ed Marlo. Seeing it reminds me how good they were back then, especially Marlo himself. Impressive. I have no idea who put that outstanding collection together and …
- The Power of TestingWonderful thoughts from Seth Godin arrived in my inbox. Most of what he thinks up and writes is very useful to me, as a starting point for my own train of thoughts. Of course, I tend to see it magic wise (quote): Writing the first draft of …
- Color Changing Knives DIYAfter years of unsuccessful searching for proper knives sets and not finding them, I decided to go for myself and make them up. Here is the procedure, which will give you some nice knives and sets in any color combination you might want. First of all, I …
- Real Good MagicRecently I found again a performance clip of Spain’s great Camillo Vazquez. Still think this routine has ‘something’. Some lovely moves and subtleties in there. Amazing what can be done to that ‘Dizzy Dominoes’ trick that Tommy van Dommelen invented and Ken Brooke marketed in the 70ties. …
- Radio MagicWhen I saw this, I only asked myself: “Is anybody out there actually performing it?” I mean, sure, there went quite a lot of building into it, but then? I know Tora is building and inventing a lot of stuff and some is really nice made. …
- Lager SwitchFinally, here is the full version of my switching concept, using an unprepared glass box (you could even use a normal glass for that). Jon Allen has built his ‘Paragon’ effect on this one. It is the grand daddy of them all … 🙂 A word on …
- Bill Simon’s VanishThis seems to be a long forgotten, wonderful coin vanish. What I really like with it is the concept behind. A nice idea to use the small coin as a reasoning to bring the hands together in order to steal the big coin. A perfect example …
- Lighting RehearsalWhen two magicians in Vienna try to set a stage for video takes, it looks like this. At that time, we were trying to conceive a small video sessions series (which never happened). I absolutely love my friend Michi Schuller for his patience, because if you …
- Diagonal Palm ShiftWell, a move that is a lifetime commitment. The move that separates the ‘boys from the men’. Here is how far I am so far. Important here as well to notice the amateurish video editing, all done by myself.
- Chink-A-ChinkI can’t remember how long I do this routine. And how I simply love it. Every time, when I wanted to ‘improve’ upon, and learn one of the fancier, more modern stuff, I fell back to this classic Goshman rendition. At that time, I was heavily influenced …
- Scottish CoinsOn this video you will see my good buddy Alaisdair McCova perform his handling of a Scottish variation of a trick of Slydini—the coins across. I am sure all you knowing guys out there will have no problem figuring out the moves. They are all more …
- Shank ShuffleFor many years I was referring to this as a variant of the ‘Zarrow-Shuffle’, until Karl-Heinz Ritter from Munich corrected me, pointing out to me it’s actually more of a shank shuffle. For years I believed I was doing a proper Zarrow, which I was not …
- Clothpeg SwitchHere it is—just for the record. I developed this in 1985 (I have witnesses). Mike Porstmann was instrumental in it by supplying me with an idea that had actually nothing to do with it. But it sparkled my imagination. The result was this switching technique, which …
- Gaelic SwitchThis is my all-time favorite universal switch for coins. It is a workhorse, that you will take to your real world shows and use when the other fancy sleights stay at home in the stable. I use it with the ‘wild bending coins’, for ‘copper/silver’ and …
- Slydini’esque False CutJust a reminder to not forget this stunning and fun-to-do technique. I use this all the time when working at the table. So simple, so convincing. Slydini was the master! Also note my sublime audio editing—your hear all the background noise of the pub we were recording in, as …
- Shaxon EnvelopeA slight modification of the classic Shaxon/Lewis switching envelope. Note how my take on it makes it possible to directly retrieve the bill or billet from the packet proper, when placing this into the pocket. This is very useful for mentalism, as you will see when …
- Hindu Force HintA little subtlety on the Hindu Force. Makes it much more convincing. Years later I found out that (apparently really all-knowing) Max Maven had the same idea years before me. What should I say? At least—I hit upon it by myself without Max’ help!
- A Transposition ConceptHere is how I make a simple card transposition stronger and more memorable. The main thing is the glass bit. By turning the glass (thus indicating the transposition), everything is much clearer and impressive for the ordinary spectator, who is distracted by food, whine and the …
- Diagonal Palm StealThis is the technique I use for stealing a card from the middle of the deck. I worked on it, because I wanted to do Ascanio’s ‘Baroque Transposition’. Lovely routine and the technique fits very well here. Of course, you should know the original routine to …
- Multiple Card SwitchThis technique seems to be a Marlo Action Switch (or whatever). I’ve been using it for ages to switch in/out multiple cards and packets. Sometimes, I will do it without a table—it then becomes a sort of ‘floating top change’. Judge for yourself. …
- Action SwitchLovely switch here with the help of a couple of bills. Might be useful when you want to switch out a set of gaffed cards for normal cards or whatever. Think for yourself how this can be logically integrated into a routine … …
- Sponge Ball VanishesHere a couple of vanishes for all you sponge workers out there. Here we have the K.O. vanish, the 1–2‑3 vanish, the ‘Chopstick Vanish’ (as published in Apocalypse years ago) and the classic ‘Rezvani Vanish’, which later became known as the ‘Benson Vanish’ (which it is …
- Killer Kiwi SwitchI love this one! If you ever perform the signed bill in Kiwi, try it. The point is that you have an unprepared Kiwi on the table. In your pocket, there is a prepared one (with the hole in it). In the course of the routine, …
- Bill Vanish in SilkI have been using this technique and handling for more than 25 years. The main thing about it is the way the TT is stolen from the silk, once the bill is inserted. Pay attention that it is the first finger that actually steals the TT, …
- Loewe PalmAgain, an old but rarely used top palm technique. Why? It is deceptive, fast and surefire. Get to it and resurrect it … 🙂
- Revolver VanishOne of my favorite coin vanishes. It utilizes what Al Schneider calls his ’ snap back technique’. I should mention that I strongly believed I ‘invented’ this technique completely independent from him in 1988, when I was working on my stage manipulation act. At that time, …
- Erdnase Bottom PalmHere is my execution of the classic bottom palm Erdnase style (well, more or less). The bottom palm comes in handy when in difficult performing circumstances when all the Ramsey/Malini ‘wait’ techniques failed … In the explanation part I use a plexi-deck for better visibility. Don’t use …
- Fred Robinson VanishUnfortunately I never met this gentleman in person. Maybe I completely missed him 30 years back when at a convention in UK. Evidence of a bigheaded youngster, who thought he knows all and everybody. Wish I could turn time back … So here, 30 years too late, …
- Keycard (Re)PlacementOver the years my eyes got worse. And my ‘temporary performance memory’ (performance cache). Which means that when I present a trick using a key card, and I have to remember this in the performance, I tend to simply forget it! Just stand there with a stupid …
- Bashing Al SchneiderIn the past weeks I worked hard getting through Al Schneider’s monumental ‘The Theory and Practice of Magic Deception’. Amazing work, quite a lot to swallow. Heavy stuff. Then, some guys pointed out to me that Schneider is a ‘low-key’ performer, lacking esprit and pizzazz. Well, maybe …
- The Price of SuccessRecently I read a very interesting article by John O’Nolan. Being the underdog is easy, you can say whatever you want without the mob attacking you. Once you have (or are) something, once you speak out and show your work, things change. The spotlight turns on you, …
- Magic ElvisEvery time I see this little clip, I just have to laugh out loud. A well done clip and a reminder that in magic we have quite a few of these kind of performers as well …
- About this blogFinally, after long and serious considerations (and my nerves being almost blank), I decided to cut off that encumbrance of publishing in two languages: German and (or) English. During the past years, this has been a never ending struggle. Now I finally decided to go for the …
- New DVD-ReleaseSoon there will be a very interesting DVD by Germany’s Florian Zimmer, dealing with manipulative moves with cards for the stage magicians. I already saw some of the moves, and they are striking, to say at least. Watch out for this, when Florian releases it. …
- Top 10 Card EffectsFrom time to time I try to find out what the real goodies in magic are. And I ask my friends. Here is what John Carey suggested concerning commercial card effects: 1. Chicago opener/ Red hot Mama. A beautiful 2 phase routine associated with the bar magicians …
- John Carey’s BeginningsWhat a nice, humble and (above all) solid way John Carey got started in magic (taken from his running week at the Magic Cafe Forum). Worth a read and consideration: It all began for me as a kid of 9 stuck in a hospital bed. Mum and …
- Route 333Here is an interesting concept that struck me after reading this. It is originally not meant for magicians, but for clothing. The idea is to keep 33 pieces of clothing for 3 months (you can read the whole thing here: system 333). The ideas is to remove …
- One big ideaThe brilliant Seth Godin wrote in his newsletter: “Most breakthrough organizations aren’t built on a bundle of wonderment, novelty and new ideas. In fact, they usually involve just one big idea. The rest is execution, patience, tactics and people. The ability to see what’s happening and to act on it. …
- Creating an actRight at the moment a magician friend needs some help putting together a new show for next year. The trouble is to get the whole thing started. Sometimes it is good to have at least a tiny structure in the beginning. Here is that wee structure …