Immer wieder wird mal danach gefragt, was denn die am meisten von den Zuschauern genannten Kartenwerte sind. Es gibt soweit ich weiß Erfahrungswerte, und ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass Roberto Giobbi in einem seiner Werke ausführlicher darauf eingeht. Hier ein interessanter Artikel zum Thema:
Hier das Wichtigste (zitiert):
“A final interesting result was that the exact wording of the question seemed to influence which cards people chose. When asked to name a card, over half of the people chose one of four cards: the Ace of Spades (25%), or the Queen (14%), Ace (6%), or King (6%) of Hearts. If you’re like most people, you may have chosen one of these cards when asked at the beginning of this article. (A full list of cards and their frequencies is also available.)
But when asked to visualize a card, people seemed to choose the Ace of Hearts more often. In our sample, they chose it almost twice as often when asked to visualize (11%) rather than name (6%) a card. Perhaps something about the visualization process makes people more likely to think of this particular card.”