Recently I read a very interesting article by John O’Nolan. Being the underdog is easy, you can say whatever you want without the mob attacking you.
Once you have (or are) something, once you speak out and show your work, things change. The spotlight turns on you, and this cuts off the freedom to say whatever you want. You get into the target line and risk being criticized.
It happens in any industry, in art, in music. So in magic. Tons of “mob” around in the forum places and social media, lurking around, posting, bashing and trolling anonymously. Attacking the ones who stand out. Making themselves important. Knowing everything better.
John writes: “Innovation — real innovation — comes from the little guys. The ones who stand up and say something that goes against conventional wisdom or flies in the face of established norms. They push boundaries because there is more to be gained than to be lost.”
I want to be and stay one of those little guys in magic. No need to stop speaking out clearly on this blog and to be afraid of the mob. This is the place for my thoughts and ideas concerning magic. No censorship …