Whilst watching the explanation of Rubiales’ genius ‘Blindside Deck’, this idea occurred to me. You might find it interesting to play around with.
The BSD is set-up as follows: 26 cards from Eddie Joseph’s Premonition deck (bank 1), 26 cards (bank 2).
A blue deck set-up with 51 cards (Premonition): 2 x 26 cards (bank 2), minus one card. If spectator thinks of one of the 26 cards of the bank 1 of the BSD, then this card will be missing in the blue pack. Spectator counts cards singly through the blue deck, and arrives only at the 51 cards, the mentally selected card not showing up.
Show the two decks. Let spectator choose one (magician’s force the BSD). Spread cards to show them to be complete (all regular indices are shown). Split cards in the middle, turn the upper half (bank 1) and shuffle into lower half. All cards of bank 1 will be reversed. Fan cards for spectator to mentally select ‘any’ card and not name it. Due to the BSD, he can only selected one card from bank 1, but the selection criteria seems to be incredibly fair and open. Stunning!
Let him take blue deck and remove it from the case. He deals the cards face-up onto the table and is asked to remember which number his thought of cards falls to. Of course, the thought of card is the only one missing and there are only 51 cards.
Produce the thought of card from pocket index, as in Premonition.
Have fun and get this marvellous ‘Blindside Deck’. Thank you Juan Rubiales for a wonderful tool!