I absolutely hate writing about this, but then we live in a modern world, where copying stuff is the normal thing to do. I was ripped-off so many times that I don’t want to count anymore. I am sick of it.
But recently I learned of another copy that I really hate. It is about my beloved ‘Premonition Box’. I created this tool in 1983, whilst being in Berlin and working for Ted Lesley in his company. In these times, Ted performed Eddie Joseph’s fabulous effect Premonition, which is the way I learned about this trick.

After having performed this many times, I had the idea to eliminate the storage of the two decks in the pockets and use a specially constructed card box. I built my first model from cardboard. Here is a picture of that original box, the mother of them all (yes, I still have it and use it).

I constructed the special inlet, which creates the illusion of only one deck being in play. The other one is cleverly hidden under the side panel. The important point is the addition of the dice and the pencil. Both are actually cut in half to save space for the deck underneath. These half-cut items are what makes the box so deceptive and they are truly unique features which distinguishes this box from other deck switching boxes.
The box looks the same on both sides and depending on which side you open, there will be either deck no. 1 or deck no. 2 showing up. This is the principle and the construction of my box.
I showed this box for the first time in a lecture at the Italian national convention in 1986 or 1987. So magicians have seen it since. I also did it in a lecture in London for Ron MacMillan’s day way back at the end of the 80ties.
The Premonition Box is also explained on my English video tapes series ‘Treasures’ Vol. 1 (https://www.murphysmagic.com/product.aspx?id=52471). So there should be enough information around, even in English spoken circles.
In 1993, I published the box in my German lecture notes. Here I had simplified the construction of the inlet. I think this was even better than the first version because there was no rim around the inlet. The L‑shaped inlet did the job well.

In 1992 the publication of my very first book in German language was due. It was called ‘Ein Profi packt aus’ and it contained the deck switching box, of course. You can check this as well in Denis Behr’s database (http://archive.denisbehr.de/show.php?book=938&highlight=45677).
It should be obvious that I am the creator of this baby. The contract about the book, including the worldwide exclusive manufacturing and distribution rights for all the tricks and gimmicks in the book was done between Rudolf Braunmüller and me. After his passing, his widow Helga Braunmüller and her daughter Claudia are still the copyright holders. That means no one is allowed to produce and market this item (not even me without asking permission) except the Braunmüllers.
Now I found this in Joe Stevens Magic Emporium:
I couldn’t believe what I saw because I have known Joe Stevens Emporium since the time I started to work for Harold Voit in the ZZM in the 80ties. I always thought them to be trustworthy dealers, not selling any rip-offs. I was wrong.
So yesterday I posted this on the Facebook in the hope to make people aware of this illegal theft of ideas. It created some stir. After my harsh words against Joe Stevens Magic Emporium, Mark Stevens immediately called me back and we settled the issue on good terms. I even bought the last three pieces of this rip-off he had on stock for myself. Strange, to buy back one’s own creation! But then I will have the proof in my hands. Maybe the workmanship is good, then I have another working box in my tools box.
Mark told me that they at the Emporium do not know each and every trick out of the hundreds of tricks they have to handle and in stock. So, basically, he had no idea that I am the inventor of the box. Despite the fact that I believe a dealer should know the stuff he is selling, I accepted his apology and we settled the issue. I send him a copy of the lecture notes and now for me the thing with Stevens Magic Emporium is good.
But then I saw this in an Indonesian shop:
And, of course, the Penguins also are in the boat:
It appears that Stevens is not the only one. Sadly, quite a few dealers here in Europe, which I considered friends, also went into the trap and are offering the rip-off. I asked Mark Stevens about the supplier/manufacturer, but he didn’t know exactly from whom he got it. He mentioned Murphy’s Magic Supplies. A check on their website revealed that they indeed list this trick, and it is the same as on the Indomagicland website:
In all advertisements, there is absolutely no mentioning of my name as the creator. Despite the fact that the concept was shown on the Treasures tapes years earlier, nobody in this ‘magic community’ noticed, as usual. Quite the contrary: when reading the advertisement of the Indomagicland website, you might come the the conclusion that this box was invented by Indomagic (‘Premonition Box by Indomagicland’). This makes me feel sad and angry.
Because it doesn’t make any sense to go into court with a company in Indonesia, there will be nothing left that I can do: just watch other magic dealers with no ethics continue selling my ideas and making a profit.
This is not a ‘magic community’, but an assortment of crap people with no ethics and conscience. It is a shame and one of the reasons that I will retract from this scene. In the future, I will concentrate on writing this blog for the ‘community’, in order to publish my ideas and therefore prove that I am the originator. There are lots of very nice people out there in magic as well, and I don’t want them to be punished because of the lousy dealers we have. I will write the blog for these nice people and continue to give them ideas.
Will someone think of giving a compensation to me for their sales? Probably not. As usual. Take an idea, rip it off, manufacture it and sell it. Don’t give a shit on the creator. Think of your own profit. We are a ‘community’ and a dealer must please and satisfy his customers.
Don’t expect me to come to that convention anymore, showing my stuff and then having it ripped off.
I am fed up with this.
Don’t pass it on!