Interesting read these days and found out about some interesting ‘wacky laws’ …
Sturgeon’s Relevation: This was (is) also called ‘Sturgoen’s Law’ by many. It says: “90% of everything is crap.” This one is my favorite and therefore used as a slogan on this blog. A look at the magic marketplace and self-publishing dominated magical world as we have it today will show that no further proof is necessary …
Skitt’s Law: “Any post correcting an error in another post will contain at least one error itself.” Could transform into: “Any magician correcting another magician’s performance will have at least one error in his own performance as well.”
Clarke’s Second Law: “The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.” Nothing to add.
Fred Brooks’ Law: “Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later.” How true! I once accepted a job for creating a show for someone. When the time for the premiere came, and nothing really was ready, the guy hired even more people into the project—the result being everything slowing down even more.
Parkinson’s Law: “Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.” Ever mastered a trick or sleight in short time? Really?
Reilly’s Law: “Shoppers usually visit the largest mall in their region.” No wonder companies like Penguinmagic, Vanishingincmagic or Alakazam Magic make some huge business …